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"Sense of Urgency"

“I’m waiting on my classmate sir,” is a phrase my classmates and I would chant during my Naval Academy plebe summer indoctrination (i.e. bootcamp) as we would wait on a classmate who had not yet come back into the hallway on one of the many countless rack races or uniform races. These races were timed evolutions in which we were given literally a few minutes to change into a specified uniform or to go make our bed of which we had previously stripped of the linens. If we as a team did not make the required time, we would do these races over and over which often happened because you had that one classmate who sometimes could never get that “sense of urgency.”

I was reminded about the concept of the “sense of urgency” when I was listening to Michelle McKinney of Dreams Unleashed on an IGTV live where she was a guest on Amber Iris’ Monday weekly live . She said, “there is an urgency on the Earth.” What she meant by that was that the gifts and talents God has given you are connected to someone’s healing, someone’s breakthrough, someone’s deliverance, or someone’s need being met. So if I were to rephrase, “I’m waiting on my classmate sir,” I would say “They are waiting on their blessing, (insert your name here)!

What if God told you the specific person or need here on the Earth that was connected to you using your gifts or talents, would that make your choice on how you are living your life and utilizing your time differently? Think about this, what is it that you would start today, finish today, or try again today, if you knew it was linked to someone else?

The things you have been fortunate enough to dream, the ideas you have conceived, the thoughts you have been given to share, the inventions you have been given to create are not for you, but rather someone else. I challenge you to consider that your fear is literally preventing or delaying what God has promised to someone else. This should ignite a sense of urgency and really help you let go of that fear of failure because God is counting on you! You have that business idea that may create jobs for others, that invention idea that may change the world, that book that may bring inspiration to others, and so much more. Get a “sense of urgency” because “they are waiting on their blessing, healing, deliverance which is connected to your gifts/talents!”



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